Saturday, November 30, 2013

Editors Note

I should probably go to this one.  I usually go to St.Phillips

While doing this story I became interested in Siem Reap Cambodia for some reason.
Also I consider myself a Christian. I don't even like the picture of myself with the bird on me, tied to
anything but what it is. Me at the bird park. The lady with the birds on her could be turned into anything you want.

The Bamar Migrated Through Tibet

Seven of Swords

Sorghaghtani Beki

Ancient Buddhist City Of Bagan

Bagan Lodge

The Caravanserai's along the silk road sold perfume.
You should try to make a fragrance along with the tea.

Hiking In Myanmar

Ancient Kingdoms

 Grottes de Pindaya Myanmar

Wear these shoes into the temple


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

In A Jungle Town Where The Sun Beats Down

Golden Triangle on the Mekong River

Four Seasons Golden Triangle

Packed with travel information & experiences after her river trip

You will not be able to see the ancient city from the air unless you pay tribute to the statue

New RV Amalotus Cruise & RV La Marguerite

Friday, November 22, 2013

Secrets of the Silk Road

Tian Shan Mountain range Flowers to take
with me to Burma


Myanmar Extravaganza Continues



 MI6 : Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service
 I don't care if you think Suwarnabhumi is somehow tied in to Armageddon
 and The Battle of Ngasaunggyan . I have travel journalist on the ground.
If you want to go in first and check it out, so be it.


Shitthaung paya Temple

Mrauk U

I talked to Robert Reid he said: "The spires of Bagan will lead you to the lost city
of Suwarnabhumi". Paul Harding may of seen it on his way in to Bagan.