Friday, November 8, 2013

'Hill of Gold'

  Lake Atitlán Guatemala

       Conner you are suppose to be in Copán by now!

  Casa Palopo
   Cerro De Oro

Laguna Lodge

Panajachel, Sololá

  Beati Hispani quibus vivere bibere est

We could go to Lake Izabal

I think we could find it all at the Pacaya Volcano in
Antigua or at Cerro de Oro. However, Copan beckons.


I can make it to Copan in record time!

  Her doorway pass

Cerro de Oro

A small hill or plateau located on the slopes of Atitlan Volcano, it is a Mayan altar and a majestic stone for Mayan ceremonies.  It is
also a place called “The Door” which according to the grandparents of the village is one of the passages to the Xiballba (Underworld.)

Pacaya Volcano

Another possible gold location


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